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Monday, April 27, 2009

"The Principle of the Path" by Andy Stanley

I was recently introduced to the Thomas Nelson Book Review Program. Thank you Jill at Frugal Plus!) This is an incredible system where you are sent a book of your choice, whereby you follow the guidelines of review, and sent the links back to Thomas Nelson. By the way, you MUST be a blogger.

So, the first book I chose was "The Principle of the Path" by Andy Stanley.

"The Principle of the Path" is the reasoning behind why we need to follow God's will (and common sense) to reach where we want to be in life. This book will explain how to listen to God, and trust that He will get you to where you need to be. No matter the detours you have taken (financially, emotionally, etc.) following your own desires, "The Principle of the Path" will give you the knowledge of how to get back on track.

Stanley's casual, easy manner of story-telling illustrated very well the points he was attempting to drive home. He used his own personal accounts (many quite humorous!) as well as the experiences of King Solomon and David from the Bible.

“The Principle of the Path” made me realize that every decision I make is a step in a direction to somewhere. It's up to me whether I want to trust in God or only in myself. Either way, whether I like it or not, I will reach a destination.

At first, it seemed that some of the information the author was supplying was repetitive. Later on, it occurred to me that the author was simply trying to make us thoroughly understand the power of the message he was delivering: That God’s way is the only way.

I would recommend this book for anyone who needs to learn the power of their decisions, and who wants to learn how to let God handle them.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm currently reading this book too :)

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