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Thursday, December 18, 2008

A Little Too Much For One Morning

What a morning.

First, it took forever to get my son off to school with his blanket, pillow, teacher gifts, folder, library book... and my daughter. I helped, of course, carrying in what I could while holding onto my toddler.

Finally, got us home - just slightly later than usual. Had a little time for coffee and checking my email, then I had to wake my daughter (again) and take her to mommy's morning out. We eventually get there about 20 minutes late (nothing new there). I drop her off, get home, fold some clothes that were in the dryer, start a new load in the washer, and the phone rings.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but your daughter has some sort of stomach virus. She's had two really bad diapers within 20 minutes." Oh. No. So, I finish loading the washer, make a doctor's appointment for her, and jump back into the car.

By the time I arrived, which was approximately 12 minutes later, she had had yet another bad diaper. I get her home long enough to brush my hair, and the phone rings again.

It was my son's school this time. No, he wasn't sick. There was some room mom problem (that I won't get into now, because I really don't know all the details yet.) Did I have any answers? Any suggestions? Any information? really...but I gave it my best shot.

Time to go to the doctor. We get there. "Yes, it's a stomach virus. No, there's nothing we can really do. Give her some flat caffeine-free coke. That will be $40." Ok...(sigh)...

Off to Chick-fila-a....(gift card for the crossing guard...chicken nuggets for me...)

And now we're home. It's barely 12:30. I'm tired. Of course, my daughter isn't doing very well. And so I guess I'm wrong. It IS beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Someone in this house (usually me...and I'm sure it's coming...) comes down with a stomach virus every year. So Ho...Ho...Ho...

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